163-165 Edgeware Road, London, NW9 6LP
Offers invited
Former pub for sale with planning permission
  • Consent for 152xbed apart hotel with Co-Working space, Bar/Restaurant and Gym with swimming pool
  • Total GEA of consented floorspace 9,217 sq m (96,197 sq ft)
  • Prominent site fronting busy main road (A5)
  • Total site area approx. 0.52 of an acre

51.586206843086, -0.25039900655218


Notice AG&G for themselves and for the vendor of this property, whose agents they are given notice that 1. These particulars do not form any part of the offer or contract. 2 They are intended to give a fair description of the property but neither AG&G nor the vendor accept responsibility for any error they may contain, however caused. Any intending purchaser must therefore satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to their correctness. 3 neither AG&G, nor any of their employees, has any authority to make or give any further representation or warranty in relation to this property. Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). Any intending purchasers or lessees must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction.